Sep 25Liked by Mikaela Blackler

Love your thoughts, as always.

Feedback is a gift and boy are you a generous gift giver! As you’re eluding to, you’re always sharing feedback with care and with the best intentions.

Someone asked me if I would prefer you to sometimes hold back thoughts. I said no, I like always knowing where you stand. Your transparency is also a gift to me. You’re not one to hold anything back, it would be against your grain. You’d be a terrible poker player! But to me, it’s a wonderful trait of yours, genuine and connectable. It allows me to see you for you and all the beauty within you. I love the way you think and the way you process the world. We are always changing and I appreciate being the first to know how you’re changing.

I love you and being your partner. The past eight years have been a gift, along with our creations. I’ll continue to choose you, all day. It’s all a journey and it’s a gift to do it with you.

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Interesting you're such a good poker player? :)

I love you, what a thoughtful response. And don't worry, feedback is never ending ;)

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This is such a helpful reframe! I am usually holding back and quietly seething, but I'm trying to learn how to speak up more.

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Sep 26Liked by Mikaela Blackler

Good feedback is such a gift! I enjoyed this one, especially the little surprise at the end.

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Thanks Tom - it surprised me too in real life!

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Feedback takes courage - both for the giver and the receiver. It says a lot about you both that your relationship has been open to it. I think it's something that your generation does a lot better than mine. (and I enjoyed Jason's response in the comments :) )

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You could be on to something, Leanne! Thinking of a different generation, my experience with my parents, they do not seem to love feedback, haha. Obviously familial relations add another layer of complexity than co-workers or friends, though.

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I really connected with your thoughts on feedback - how it’s uncomfortable but so important. Your story is a great reminder to speak our truth.

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Thanks Tinashe, and I always appreciate you reading. I know you wrote something similar around speaking truth a few weeks back which I connected with and appreciated.

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Mikaela - loved the story! Didn’t see the twist coming ❤️.

I appreciated the message and your call out of the ego. Whenever attachment is present, typically the ego is involved. When we can be completely non-attached to an outcome, we know we’re coming from a place of service to others and to the world.

I also appreciated this encouragement:

“Yet, whenever I finally speak up, nine times out of ten, the response is positive—often grateful. It sparks a healthy discussion, deepening the relationship and making things more human.”

Thank you 🙏

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Thanks James! You're right about the importance of non-attachment, I hadn't thought of it that way but seems like another important ingredient! I guess it can kind of parallel with coming from the right intentions. If you are, it doesn't matter the outcome.

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